Every month, I send out a thought to help you connect your spiritual and emotional life together, seeking to help you find freedom and joy in God's love for you.
Welcome new friends from recent speaking engagements at Camp Berea, Victory Life and Lake Forest! So glad you have you here! I send a little encouragement monthly(ish)--hope it's helpful to you! Real Talk with Nicole. Let's be real together in this wonderful, beautiful, difficult thing we call life. Lots of time on my feet to prep for the upcoming Marathon with Revelation Wellness Walking can be a spiritual discipline of its own. I would love to say that I'm a person who does well with "quiet...
It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching. -St. Francis of Assisi A life unedited is a cluttered life. We pick up all kinds of things: relationships, priorities, obligations, joys, sorrows. We layer and layer until we feel overwhelmed, overburdened and underwater. This is not reason for alarm; but it is reason for attention. Over the decades, I've often found myself yearning for spaces of rest and reset, while knowing full well that the idea of a perfectly...
I've been thinking about my relationship to the dark. "Relationship" might feel like a strange word to use to describe light (or the absence of it) but it's the best word I can find to name something as dynamic as a word that describes a moment in time as well as a snapshot of our soul. The dark allows us to sleep, to quiet, to rest. But also--the dark can be a lonely place. It can be a frightening place. Many things that might feel innocent in the light become ominous in the dark. Once I was...